It seems that Americans should start looking into a way to get taller, research in the growth arena seem to indicate that tehy have reach the perfect height. Studies througout the 20th century showed that on average children tended to grow at least an inch taller than they're parents. However this trend seems to be changing.
It's now known that the average height for a woman is 5"4 and 5"9 for men. There could be many reason but many believe it is down to the way we lead our lives, the nutritional value of our diets and the fewer illness's and stresses we are exposed to as adolescants. It could be possible that americans have reached they're pinical height wise through eating better foods and avoided disease's during they're growing years, therefore enabling them to achieve they're optimal height.
On a national level growth seems to have stabalised, but there are some small areas that still show signs of continual growth. It has been proved through studies during the 20th century that height gain is very much reliant on on a persons nutrition and enviroment. The findings were overwhelmingly convincing and showed that children who received proper nutrition during they're youth grew and developed and were more likely to get taller and become more successfull than those less lucky.
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There could be many reason but many believe it is down to the way we lead our lives, the nutritional bli längre value of our diets and the fewer illness's and stresses we are exposed to as adolescants.